Why Tire Rotation Is Important
You may have taken your car to the mechanic for a tire rotation without ever actually thinking about what a tire rotation is. A tire rotation doesn’t refer to the circular rotation of your tires on the road; instead, it refers to moving your tires from one wheel to another so that they get even wear patterns. Leaving your tires on the same wheels throughout their life will cause them to wear unevenly, meaning that you’ll have to replace them a lot sooner. Poor car alignment or unbalanced tires can also lead to uneven wear, so be sure you have these car maintenance issues taken care of, too.

A tire rotation will not only save you money by extending the life of your tires, but it will also make your car ride smoother on the road and enable you to handle it more safely. Are you looking for an auto shop in Silver Spring, MD to perform a tire rotation, car alignment, or muffler repair? Call Murray’s Auto Clinics at 301-585-7557 to make sure your car is ready for the road.