Breaking Down the Basics of Your Brakes [Infographic]
If you’re like most people, you stick to an oil change schedule, but you only think about your brakes when they become a problem. The trouble with that approach is that brake service can be pricey if you wait until you need a major repair. By understanding your brakes, you can often avoid the need for a brake repair with a hefty price tag. One of the most important things you can do is to make inspections part of your regular car maintenance routine. Have your brake fluid checked during your usual oil changes, and check brake lines for leaks periodically. If you do have a problem, such as your brake rotors making a screeching sound, get it checked right away. Learn the basics about your brakes in this infographic from Murray’s Auto Clinic, Inc . We provide auto repair near Silver Springs, MD, and can keep your brakes in top condition. Please be sure to share this information with other drivers.