Separating the Myths from The Facts About Engine Oil
Urban legends, myths, and distorted truths are commonplace when talking about engine oil. It’s one of those auto maintenance subjects that drivers think they know a lot about, but the myths and distortions drivers actually believe in can be disastrous. Clearing up the air about engine oil can help you make the right decisions for your vehicle, which in turn can help you avoid costly automotive problems later on. That’s why we sat down to write this post, so we could give you straight talk about the engine oil in your car.

Myth: You Need to Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles
Fact: There was a time when the 3,000-mile rule was the standard for cars, but advancements in oil chemistry and engine technology have resulted in longer intervals in between oil changes. Although there’s no harm in changing your car’s oil every 3,000 miles if that’s the schedule you’re used to, experts recommend sticking to the designated intervals in the owner’s manual.
Myth: Engine Oil Needs to be Changed When It’s Dark
Fact: Drivers should be in the habit of checking the engine oil regularly, but just because it looks dark or dirty doesn’t necessarily mean you’re overdue for an oil change. If you’re using an oil that contains detergent additives, the oil is actually working just the way it’s supposed to if it looks dirty. Again, this is where the manufacturer-recommended oil change interval can help you decide when to change the oil, regardless of the color on the dipstick.
Myth: Once You Use Synthetic, You Always Have to Use It
Fact: You may have heard about the benefits of synthetic engine oil, but perhaps you’re hesitant to make the switch or even try out synthetic oil because you’ve always heard that you can’t go back to traditional oil once you put synthetic in your car. We’re glad to tell you this is a straight-up myth. You can use any type of engine oil you prefer, traditional or synthetic, as long as it meets the requirements set out in the owner’s manual.
Need an oil change? Have questions about engine oil? Either way, the experts at Murray’s Auto Clinics can help. Our auto maintenance and repair shops in Silver Spring, MD is your go-to source for complete auto care, including oil changes and transmission flushes. Call us at 301-585-7557 to learn more.